Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Commess in d place

Commess University
Stumbled across this website that's written apprently by a former student of Holy Name Convent Secondary (mih ol' high school). I presume she graduated before me, because of some items of history that she mentions experiencing back when I would have been like four(4) an' ting.

Anyways, take a read.
Once you get over the fact that EVERYTHING is written in dialect then you're ok.

It's interesting.


Anonymous said...

You went Holy Name? What year did u graduate?

shells said...

Left HNC in '95. u?

Anonymous said...

Me too!!! Hmmm...
I wonder if we know one another??

shells said...

Serious?! '95 I did A'levels eh, not O'levels, did O's in '93. You were in East, West or Central? If that's the same for u, then we'll have to meet up, or chat offline to get to the bottom of this.

Anonymous said...

Or no, I finished O'Levels in '95. And I was in East.