Wednesday, August 11, 2010

YUMA 2011 - Zodeak

I did not originally plan to go this launch...but I did.
Glad that I did. Went as a regular patron, not as a Carnival blogger like Sauce, Afro Chic and Carnival Jumbie.
...Ohhh and must not forget 'Scene!
Their reviews and pics are must views. Stop over at their blogs for in depth reviews and pics, pics and more pics.

Anyways, my take on YUMA is as follows:
I LOVE most of the frontlines, they look gorgeous. If I lived in the gym from now till Carnival 2011, and had a gracious sponsor and did the FL thing, then yep: I would absolutely, positively play in one of at least three...of those eye-catching fantabulous costumes! BUT ..I have neither a sponsor (gracious or otherwise), nor do I usually play FL...not my thing.
The backlines that grabbed my attention were




Notice that my sign, Capricorn, has not been will NOT be mentioned again in relation to YUMA. There is the other thing of: I will have no company if I went YUMA...not one of my mas-playing friends has mentioned or even hinted that they would consider playing YUMA....sigh

Next up: IP on August 20th 2010


Wuzdescene said...

shells gyul .... two ah we was in de same boat .... I didn't go as a blogger .... I went as a gaper ....

I jus ketch ah vaps two days later .... and went and blog about it .... and look where dat get meh .... in one setta hot water .... so yuh know .... da'is it fuh me and YUMA .... no more free coverage on MY blog dat I does pay for!

shells said...

hey 'scene...yuh right gyul!